Geeky jokes
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
If u r a geek , u gonna love these ...
* Alcohol & calculus don't mix. Never drink & derive
* Earth is 98% full ... please delete anyone you can
* Windows: Just another pane in the glass
* Q. Did you hear about the Coder that got stuck in his shower for a week?
A. The instructions on his shampoo said: Lather, rinse, repeat.
* You know it's love when you memorize her IP number to skip DNS overhead
* Heisenberg is pulled over for speeding:
"Do you know how fast you were going?" the police officer asks, incredulously.
"No," replies Heisenberg, "but I know exactly where I am!"
* If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0
* Q. What would a Geek say when he dies and meets God?
A. 1st question - God! Why did you delete me from earth?
2nd question - Can I meet my links ancestors)?
* Use The Best... Linux for Servers Mac for Graphics Palm for Mobility Windows for Solitaire
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code
* In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?
* My software never has bugs. It just develops random features
* God is real, unless declared integer
* Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product
* Firewall : Do you want to place a motion detector on port 80 ?
* Q. What happens when Mr. Geek doesn't find his tie in the morning?
A. He calls his wife from the kitchen and asks her to Google it.
* There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
* I'm root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup!
* The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed LINUX.
* there are 10 type of people in this world. One who know binary and second who dont.
* Is "ctrl" an "alt" for "del"? if not, a combination of all 3 works for sure!
* there r 3 types of people in the worls. those who can count and who cannot
Contributed By: tmh
* I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly.
* Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.
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